
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® Required and Recommended Texts

NOTE: Most books are available on Amazon by searching either the title or the ISBN. Textbooks can also be found at other stores.

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III

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Note: Prices vary depending on where the books are purchased. All prices are 'to be determined' by the individual stores.

Phase I: Foundations of Rolfing® Structural Integration
Phase I: Accelerated Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration

Required Texts

Anderson & Ward & Mueller-Kaul. (2022). The Rolfing Skillful Touch Handbook. ISBN: 9781733283885 **

MacPherson, B. R., & Wikenheiser, J. (2020). Atlas of Anatomy (Fourth). Thieme Medical Publishers. ISBN: 9781684202034 **

**(You do not need to purchase the two books listed above as they will be provided to you on the first day of class.)

McIntosh, N., & Allen, L. (2017). Nina McIntosh's the educated heart: Professional boundaries for massage therapists and Bodyworkers (Fourth). Wolters Kluwer.

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  • Search for the textbook by ISBN: 9781496347312
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Recommended Texts

Biel, A. (2015). Trail Guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more. Books of Discovery. ISBN: 978-0982978658

15% off any Trail Guide to the Body products purchased through the Books of Discovery website. Use code STU15 at checkout.

Calais-Germain, B. (2008). Anatomy of movement. Eastland Press. ISBN: 9780939616572

Caspari, M. (n.d.). Mindful Motion: Rolfing® Movement Integration Techniques. Out of print. A PDF version is available through DIRI.

Additional Recommended Texts

The following books are not required but are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as additional texts for your studies. These books will aid you in your studies and enhance your understanding of Anatomy & Physiology, Structural Kinesiology (the study of muscles, their attachments, and Movements), and Therapeutic Relationships.


Juhan, D. (2003). Job's body: A handbook for bodywork. Barrytown/Station Hill.

One of the best books ever written on anatomy and physiology for bodyworkers. It is not a "beginner's text" and, therefore, is not assigned as the A&P textbook for Phase I. It does, however, give insights into this material that one does not get from standard A&P texts. An absolute "must have" for anyone who is considering a career as any type of bodyworker.

Anatomy and Physiology

Alcamo, I. E., & Krumhardt, B. (2004). Anatomy and physiology The easy way: 2nd. Ed. Barron's. ISBN: 9780764119798

A good, beginner's textbook with just enough detail to fill out the material presented in classroom lectures for those desiring more information. Now titled Barron's Anatomy and Physiology the Easy Way By Edward I. Alcamo, Barbara Krumhardt, 2004.

Pearson. (2013). The Anatomy Coloring Book. ISBN: 9780321832016

Rohen, J. W., Yokochi, C., & Lutjen-Drecoll Elke. (2011). Color atlas of anatomy: A photographic study of the human body. Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 9781582558561

Kinesiology Atlas

Bowden, B. S., Bowden, J. M., & Firth, P. (2015). An illustrated atlas of the skeletal muscles. Morton Publishing. ISBN: 9781617311727

Neumann, D. A. (2017). Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: Foundations for rehabilitation. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323287531

Stone, R. J., & Stone, J. A. (2012). Atlas of Skeletal Muscles. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073378169

A well-presented textbook with diagrams of individual muscles will greatly aid in your study of Structural Kinesiology.

Phase II: Embodiment of Rolfing® Structural Integration & Rolf Movement® Integration
Phase III: Clinical Application of Rolfing Theory

Required Texts

Rolf, I. P., Lodge, J., & Thompson, R. (1989). Rolfing: Reestablishing the natural alignment and structural integration of the human body for vitality and well-being. Healing Arts Press. ISBN: 9780892813353

Rolf, I. P., & Feitis, R. (1979). Ida Rolf talks about Rolfing and physical reality. Harper Collins (paper). ISBN: 9780060906658

Recommended Texts
Anatomy and Kinesiology

Gorman, D. (2016). The body moveable: Blueprints of the human musculoskeletal system -- its structure, mechanics, locomotor and postural functions. LearningMethods Publications. ISBN: 9781927437018

Kapandji, A. I. (2019). The Upper Limb (Seventh, Vol. 1, Ser. The Physiology of the Joints). Handspring Publishing. ISBN: 9781912085590

Kapandji, A. I., & Honore Louis. (2019). Lower Limb (Seventh, Vol. 2, Ser. The Physiology of the Joints: ). Handspring Publishing. ISBN: 9781912085606

Kapandji, A. I., Saillant, G., & Merle d'Aubigne, R. (2019). The Spinal Column, Pelvic Girdle and Head (Seventh, Vol. 3, Ser. The Physiology of the Joints). Handspring Publishing. ISBN: 9781912085613

Netter, F. H., & Fulton, J. F. (1977). The Ciba Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 1: Nervous System- A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Nervous System, with a Supplement on the Hypothalamus (Vol. 1). CIBA. ISBN: 9780914168010

Netter, F. H., Woodburne, R. T., Crelin, E. S., & Kaplan, F. S. (1990). The Ciba Collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 8 Musculoskeletal System Part II Developmental Disorders, Tumors, Rheumatic Diseases, and Joint Replacement (Vol. 8). Ciba-Geigy Corp. ISBN: 9780914168157

Rolf Movement Recommended

Blakeslee, S., & Blakeslee, M. (2007). The body has a mind of its own: How the body maps in your brain help you do (almost) everything better. Random House. ASIN: B000VW1FV0

Bond, M., & Myers, T. W. (2018). Your body mandala: Posture as a path to presence. MCP Books. ASIN: B07V6ZT931

Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of Brain Science. Penguin Books. ISBN: 9780143113102

Doidge, N. (2016). The brain's way of healing: Stories of remarkable recoveries and discoveries. Penguin Books. ISBN: 9780141980805

Hargrove, T. R. (2019). Playing with movement: How to explore the many dimensions of physical health and performance. Better Movement. ISBN: 9780578502618

Johnson, D. H. (1995). Bone, breath, & gesture: Practices of embodiment (Vol. 1, lo Series). North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 1556432011

Kain, K. L., & Terrell, S. J. (2018). Nurturing resilience: Helping clients move forward from developmental trauma an integrative somatic approach. North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 9781623172039

Livingstone, M. (2014). Vision and art: The biology of seeing. Abrams. ISBN: 9781419706929

McHose, C., & Frank, K. (2006). How life moves: Explorations in meaning and body awareness. North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 9781556436185

Porges, S. W. (2017). The pocket guide to polyvagal theory: The transformative power of feeling safe. W.W Norton & Company. ISBN: 9780393707878

Todd, M. E. (2008). The thinking body: A study of the balancing forces of dynamic man. Gestalt Journal Press. ISBN: 9780939266548

Books by Rolfing faculty and former faculty

Agneessens, C. A. (2001). The fabric of wholeness: Biological intelligence and relational gravity. C.A. Agneessens. ISBN: 9780967036274

Bond, M. (2007). The new rules of posture: How to sit, stand and move in the modern world. Healing Arts Press. ISBN: 9781594771248

Bond, M., & Bond, M. (1996). Balancing your body: A self-help approach to Rolfing Movement. Healing Arts Press. ISBN: 9780892816422

Maitland, J. (1995). Spacious body: Explorations in somatic ontology. North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 9781556431883

Maitland, J. (2001). Spinal manipulation made simple: A manual of soft tissue techniques. North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 9781556433528

Maitland, J. (2016). Embodied being: The philosophical roots of manual therapy. North Atlantic Books. ISBN: 9781623170264

Prado, P. (n.d.). Structural Stretches: Self Exploration and Cultivating the Vertical.